I live in Dalmatia and it’s early May. It’s a beautiful sunny day on the back balcony.
The sea is an azure shade of blue, the garden is showing signs of Springtime awakening and the birds are chirping merrily.
My Lavazza coffee and almond milk are deliciously mild, and I stretch lazily in my cheetah pajamas.
![Two people will marry soon](https://www.amerikankaincroatia.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/WhatsApp-Image-2024-04-30-at-10.46.16-e1714481564594-232x300.jpeg)
But yesterday, my life wasn’t so simple. I had a classic case of bride’s jitters.
I asked myself questions like:
- What the X#%& am I doing? I already have a perfect life. Can it get any better?
- Am I really ready, at age 62, to coordinate my life with another set-in-his-ways partner of “advanced age” (63)?
- Will it be worth it?
- Will I lose touch with my wonderful, adult-age children?
- What if he only loves me for my money? (OK, I threw this one in for fun…)
In fact, I even got a little sick to my stomach.
My beloved came over I did manage to eat a modest lunch. He surfed online while I started a new translation job. Then suddenly, it hit me.
My personal energy is my life essence. I take it with me wherever I go.
I have things to do! I.e., pick up the wedding rings, go to exercise class, and so on!
“I’m leaving”, I announced to my son and future husband. “Talk to you later.”
I grabbed my purse and got on with my life.
P.S. Exercise class was fantastic!
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