Hello dear readers 🙂
How are you enjoying this weather in Croatia in October? It’s a lovely Fall morning. The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and the olives are ripe for picking.
If you are in the States and wondering what the weather is like here in Croatia, I have a handy-dandy explanation for you below.
A mini Heat wave
It turns out we are having unseasonably warm weather these days. In fact about 10 degrees Celsius more than usual.
Instead of the usual 17 degrees at midday, the temperatures have been reaching 27 degrees (c). That is quite a plus if you like to move freely without crowds and see the countryside. Autumn activities like theater, plays, classes (like Tai Chi, kickboxing, aerobics) power walking and so on have reactivated after the summer break.
Tour guides are leading groups around –but without the crowds of summer.
For those who are still getting used to the difference in temperature- it works like this: Let’s start with the basics –
Temperature Conversions
Freezing:Â Â In Celsius- it’s zero (0)
In Fahrenheit – it is 32 degrees.
and now comes the fun part. Add 1.8 for every degree in Fahrenheit. For example, we need to find a common denominator.
An easy one is 10 degrees Celsius
It’s equivalent to 50 degrees Fahrenheit which is the sum of 32 + (10 x 1.8) or 18 = 50.
Comparing Apples to Oranges
So let’s say you are sitting in your cubicle in Chicago and musing – hmm – what is the temperature in Croatia in Fahrenheit? The weather in Split Croatia right now is 27 degrees Celsius
Converting to Fahrenheit
In Chicago, it just happens to be 8 degrees Fahrenheit right now.
Remember, we established that 10 degrees Celsius is equal to 50 degrees Fahrenheit.
So 27C is really 50F degrees plus (17 degrees x 1.8) =30.6F
50F + 30.6F is 80.6F degrees Fahrenheit
Chicago is 8F and Split Croatia is 80F. It’s amazing to think that there is a 72 degree Fahrenheit difference between the two.
Converting to Celsius
In Split, it just happens to be 27 degrees right now:
Remember, we established that 10 degrees Celsius is equal to 50 degrees Fahrenheit.
So 8F is really 32 degrees minus 24 to reach 8F. The difference of 24 is divided by 1.8 so that both temperatures can be compared in Fahrenheit.
24 / 1.8 equals 13.3 degrees
Since it is below freezing it will be minus 13
Answer = -13.3 Celsius
A link

If this is too hard for you, no worries. Here is a link:Â http://Converter – Fahrenheit to Celsius or C-> F
And now for something completely different
Nives Celzijus is a very strong supporter of our national football team 🙂
Unfortunately, I don’t know anyone with a surname of Fahrenheit.
Have a great day! You can also follow me on Facebook + Pinterest and Instagram!
Make it a Good one!…
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